NEW “From The Vastland” ALBUM 2024!

🔶 Very happy to announce the second collaboration with German Crawling Chaos 🇩🇪 for releasing our NEW album “TENEBROUS SHADOW” later this year! Stay tuned, more news regarding that soon! 🤘
“ Vicious, dark and haunting! Very proud to announce the release of our 8th full length album, our new opus, “Tenebrous Shadow”. it’s the continuation of where we left off with “Taurvi” in 2022. However, it plunges deeper into the dark world of Persian demons & their bloody stories. Musically, I assure you will hear everything you expect from us! blast-beating, old school Norwegian black metal with a slight touch of oriental melodies. From the most extreme, evil & intense riffs to a heavy, catchy & melodic atmosphere. It’s not just collection of some songs but an album that takes the listeners on a journey through the depth of Persian mythology, combining musical craftsmanship with artistic finesse. “
– Sina Winter
#news #fromthevastland #blackmetal