NEW From The Vastland album – “TENEBROUS SHADOW” – 2024
🌑 And darkness crawls…Unveiling the album cover for our upcoming release: TENEBROUS SHADOW
🔱 A reflection of the obscure shadow, its dread presence, and the cold essence of black metal. Summoning the harbinger of darkness and death in the depth of eternal night. What awaits you in the dark cannot be seen…but only felt! 💀
⏳ Prepare yourselves for the storm of black flames — our bleakest work yet! 🤘
🔥 Release date: 01.11.2024 by The Crawling Chaos (Ger 🇩🇪) 🔥
Follow us on social media for more news regarding our upcoming full length album here:
For more info regarding our previous albums, check out our ALBUMS page
#BlackMetal #AlbumCoverReveal #Frozenland #DarknessUnleashed #UndergroundMetal #NewAlbum2024 #ExtremeMusic #BlackenedHymns #AbyssalRitual #MetalArt #GrimAesthetic #BleakVibes #MetalCommunity #MetalAlbumRelease #BlackenedHymns #ExtremeUnderground #BlackenedChaos #TrueBlackMetal #FromTheVastland #Tjalve #Spektre #SinaWinter #TenebrousShadow #Norway #Persia #TheCrawlingChaos #Germany