Taurvi Album available at katakomben
🔸 Now both Vinyl & CD version of our “Taurvi” album is available at Katakomben! 🤘 You can grab them at their store here (Youngstorget 6, Oslo) or order it via their website from the…
🔸 Now both Vinyl & CD version of our “Taurvi” album is available at Katakomben! 🤘 You can grab them at their store here (Youngstorget 6, Oslo) or order it via their website from the…
🔸 Recently a journalist visited Sina for an interview as part of an article regarding the 10th anniversary of Safemuse! ✨ The article is out on Journalen now! (In Norwegian 🇳🇴) https://journalen.oslomet.no/2023/05/Med-musikken-fulgte-trusler
We are very happy to announce our appearance to the legend metal fest 2023 in Trondheim/Norway on Saturday 16 September. Check the official event page on Facebook here to find out more about the festival,…
Hey! After less than a year and we are back on bandcamp again! now those problems which made us close our page are solved & we are back! Thanks for all your support during all…
Alright! After over a year here we are again to see if we can have a page on facebook! For those who don’t know, long story short, our FB page was closed & deleted 2…